Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Name Calling.

I've been called names. They probably started out okay: "Darling baby!" "Cute little boy." Can't verify either, but a song I remember as a child claimed "Every old crow thinks her baby's white as snow". Cooing baby names seem assured.

But, the names went downhill from there. "Dumb kid."

Then "Teenager." Has there ever been a word more frequently used as a synonym for stupid?

Next was "Young Adult." Meaning, "still wet behind the ears", not quite yet a real person.

This was followed by "Middle Age." That's a nice term for a "Dicky Do" (A 40-ish beer drinker whose belly sticks out farther than his dicky do.}

Then, of course, came "Senior Citizen", a lame attempt at being PC... as though it is an insult to call an old person "old". I've wondered who first came up with that name.

Now I am called an "Octogenarian".

You know what's next?


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