Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Clarification please.

I have always been a little perplexed as to why we show such deference to the President of the United States.

The person is not a king (or queen) or God. They are a politician, in the office because of a skilled and perhaps devious campaign and the donations of hundreds of millions of dollars from people who hope to rake in millions more in political favors; and from people who (often mistakenly) just admire them. They enjoy unimaginable perks and immense powers, and  (in modern times) always become multi-millionaires from their time in office.

But we are always expected to say "Mr. President"! When Barack Obama stood before Congress and told a bald-faced lie, Congressman Joe Wilson shouted, "You lie". Wilson was chastised for that retort, and forced to apologize, even though he was correct - Obama was lying. No punishment for - no apology from the liar.

While I fault the British for their adoration of their royalty, I believe their conduct in Parliament is much more realistic! If their PM makes a statement perceived to be false, a chorus of members voice their feelings.

While I was not a fan of Harry Truman, he was, at least, realistic about the Oval Office job. When he left office, he was offered one or more high salary jobs, which he refused. Harry said, "You don't want me. You want the office of the president and that is not for sale." Harry never became rich.

Fifteen different men have held the office of president in my lifetime. Some have led wisely with great benefit to my country. I appreciate and applaud them. Others have been lousy leaders and have inflicted harm on our nation and our people. I have no regard, no respect for them.

So, until I am persuaded otherwise, I shall continue to regard Barack Obama for what he is doing with his time in office. I think he is a bum... a great detriment to America. I do not wish him any physical harm, I just want him (and all of his cronies) out of office, out of power and influence.

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