Sunday, June 25, 2006

Se Habla Español

Literally, that means "They speak Spanish". But when it is lettered on the door of a retail shop, printed at the bottom of a newspaper ad, or super imposed over the end of a TV commercial, it means, "If you speak only Spanish, we still want your business and you will be served by another native Spanish speaker."

I've never had a problem with that, until president Bush said that people who want to become Americans should learn to speak English.

I am reminded of stories from my childhood when my father talked about the great wave of immigrants coming to America from Europe. That was probably some time before the first World War, but I don't know and don't care enough to research the time line.

He spoke about a feeling of "America For Americans", or some such, that opposed the seemingly endless flood of immigrants. As I recall, this movement eventually became anti-Jewish, then anti-African, then it became the Ku Klux Klan.

But, that is not where I am going today. Today, I am wondering if all those Europeans would have assimilated and learned English, if everywhere they turned a sign said "We speak Polish", or whatever.

So, I wonder what incentives for learning English are offered immigrants who are native Spanish speakers. In my state, New Mexico, essentially all official documents are printed in both Spanish and English. So every government agency and virtually every business can accomodate a Spanish speaker.

I studied Spanish for six semesters (after my 65th birthday) at New Mexico State University - just because I wanted to learn the language. Today I can read Spanish that is simply written. I can express myself in Spanish well enough to communicate with the gentle people of Juarez, Mexico. But when they speak, I am pretty much at a loss. So, I know it is damn hard for an adult to learn a new language.

In fact, I think the only way is complete immersion. Learn to understand the language or starve.
But, there is no immersion when everyone is willing to accomodate you in your native language.

So, maybe local governments and those commercial enterprises who so readily offer to speak Spanish, (Se habla Español) are actually hurting the immigrants who might well want to learn English but have a very full time job earning a living, and have no pressing immediate need to learn English.


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