Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Present that will become The Past.

Given my age, I occasionally have someone ask my opinion of what it was like when Truman was president, or when Eisenhower was president. Harry won the oval office when I was but 20; Ike did it 60 years ago.

Given that I will not be around in 60 more years, let me record my impression of our current president, just in case someone wants my opinion of Barack Obama in 2072!

I believe Obama is a sock puppet. The left... the Communists, Marxists or whatever you wish to call them, have, as blogger John Hawkins puts it, "completed their long march into the institutions and now own Hollywood, colleges, and the mainstream media." Ignorant of history and blind to reality, these people have bought into the Lenin-Marx poison that if everyone shares everything, the world will be a happy place.

Not all, of course: there are the cunning few who use the Left line as a path to power. But, never think these behind-the-scenes controllers are stupid. Far from stupid, they have, as Hawkins points out, progressed well down their selected path. But, controlling the above referenced institutions has never been their end goal... they want it all.

Fortunately, they have never found a key to the White House door, until they found Barack Hussein Obama. Here was a clean, articulate young black man with widespread popular appeal. Somewhere along the way... from his over-educated mother; his Indonesian step-father (obviously a smart man as he held some power in Indonesia's government); his grandmother, a vice-president of a Hawaiian bank; Frank Marshal Davis, a card-carrying Communist; or, perhaps the left-leaning professors and Marxist students he courted at Occidental and Columbia universities, Obama learned how to con people into liking him, even yearning to support him.

Working as a Community Organizer in Chicago Obama made numerous appeals to local government officials in Chicago. Somewhere along the way, some one of them took note of Obama's talents and started promoting him. He was chosen, likely as a token "African-American" to address a Democratic National Convention. That speech propelled him into the arms of left-wing powers and the rest is history.

Obama was the perfect choice at the perfect time. George W. Bush was completing eight years as president. The Iraq war was dragging on. People wanted a change and Obama represented the biggest change in the history of the American presidency. White America justly regretted the racist past and Obama offered a chance to prove it was the past.

Obama had everything going for him... almost. He looked and sounded great, but he was stupid. Never mind, his handlers were not. They assigned Valerie Jarret, David Axelrod and other left-leaners to usher him along. They would make relentless use of the teleprompter, with dialog written by the handlers.

Early in his Illinois legislative career, he would always vote "present" to avoid establishing a record that could hurt him. A bit of political chicanery put him in the U.S. Senate, a perfect stepping stone to running for the presidency, just in time for the end of the Bush years. Once elected, he was used to pass some of the lefts favorite causes, like health care. There was never an intent to pass things like the promised comprehensive immigration reform or deficit reduction. Instead they sought ways to reduce America's military and engineered the so-called sequestration toward that purpose.

But, the hand that holds the puppet misjudged America's people. They may have swayed the unschooled Hollywood elite and the brain-washed student air-heads. What they missed are the millions who truly and passionately love this country. When these millions smell a rat, look out. As the Imperial Japanese and the Nazis learned, these America-loving millions have been a sleeping giant. Once awakened, they become a terrible force. Now, like the Nazis and the Japanese militants, Obama faces a crushing defeat at their hands.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

About Lance Armstrong
I am a cyclist. Not competitive, like Armstrong, just one who loves to ride. My love for bicycles runs deep. During the depression, when the price of a bicycle was far, far beyond my family's reach, I used to run down our long farm driveway. my hands extended in front as though I was holding handlebars, stepping high to imitate pedaling; pretending, dreaming, that I was riding a bicycle.

Eventually, through odd jobs and a little help from my Mom, I amassed eight dollars and bought a used Schwinn. Here, in high-water pants, I sit astride the old Schwinn at age 15.

I've owned other bikes - one I won in an endurance contest. About a dozen years ago my daughter gave me a Trek mountain bike. I put a quality odometer on it and have since logged over 10,000 miles. Hey, that's like across the United States, coast to coast, three times! And that's just since my 70th birthday.

I know something about riding bikes. I know what it means to ride so hard that your legs quit working and when you step off the bike, they collapse and you fall. I know what it's like to take a spill and endure some severe abrasions. Or, how it feels to attain such high speed down a steep hill that it is nearly impossible to control your bike.

I understand that it is almost beyond human ability to win the Tour de France. Day after grueling day, in sprints, up and down mountains, riding in rain, and managing to best a field of the the very best bike riders in the world. To do that seven times is nothing short of a miracle.

Now they are saying Lance Armstrong did it because he was doping? Really! Let me tell you. Anyone who says you can perform that superhuman feat because you took some pills, or injected something or other into your system, is a damn fool. And, to think that some are saying "everyone was doing it"! Now, would that not, in itself, level the playing field?

Lance Armstrong is my hero. He accomplished something no other man has done - no other man will ever do in the future. Then he used his fame to contribute mightily to the battle against cancer. Like Lance, my wife is a cancer survivor. In recognition of her victory in that battle, and in appreciation for all Lance Armstrong has accomplished, I wear a yellow Livestrong bracelet, and will for the rest of my life.

Monday, October 22, 2012

  Remembering Democrats who "fixed" things.

There are two problems with history books: The people who write them (partisans) and the people who read them (no one).

Here is some history I remember:

World War II ended in Europe and the evil third Reich was no more. Democrat U.S. president Roosevelt had a great opportunity to fight for a unified, democratic Germany (which the German people finally achieved), but instead he happily acceded to a carved up Germany, giving half to Russia. Then he threw in Eastern Europe and the northern half of Korea as a further reward to mass murderer Joseph Stalin.

Next came Harry Truman. Perhaps Chiang Kai Shek was not an ideal leader, but Truman ignored his plea for help and let the Communists take over China, now an adversary. China thanked us by attacking our troops in Korea, assuring the success of the psychotic Kims.

Iran was a secular, modern nation, a friend of the West. But Jimmy Carter considered the Shah a bad apple and assisted the rise of the Mullahs, producing a murderous regime now seeking WMDs to destroy Israel.

Hosni Mubarak ruled Egypt for almost 30 years, following the assassination of Anwar Sadat. Mubarak was not what most would consider a nice guy, but he kept the peace and was friendly to the West. Barack Obama erroneously visualized something better in Egypt and happily watched Muslim exremists depose the dictator.

Ditto for crazy man Moammar Gadhafi in Libya. Gadhafi had a nasty past but appeared to have learned his lesson. He gave up his plan for nukes and seemed willing to improve his behavior. Obama thought otherwise and abetted Gadhafi's murder.

How different this world would be if China and Korea were our friends and allies. How brighter the future would be if the Iranian government was as friendly as the Iranian people always were. And, just imagine a stable, friendly North Africa.

How different the world would be if a string of Democratic U.S. presidents had not "fixed" things. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I Love Mathematics

More correctly, I should say I love numbers. Education-wise, I am 100 miles short of being a mathematician. My schooling went only as far as trigonometry and that was long ago. Today I could hardly distinguish a cosine from a co-signer!

My college professor son tells me that college freshmen bust their butts selecting a course of study as far as possible from mathematics. That is sad and I lay the blame on our primary education system. They barely skim the principles of mathematics as they hurry through a social-studies-heavy curriculum, and if a student fails to grasp one "step" in math, he is in trouble with everything that follows. Most kids graduate high school deathly afraid of mathematics.

I love math because two and two are always four. How cool is that! Plus, numbers are fun. You can play endless games with numbers and the numbers are always reliable. But math is not taught the fun way. It is taught in a complex, boring way.

Let's consider simple multiplication. Suppose you want to multiply 16 times 16. Surely you need pencil and paper for that. Wrong! Take a closer look at the numbers. In Spanish, 16 is pronounced diez y seis, which translates to "ten and six"... exactly what 16 means in English, 10 and 6.

So, 16 times 16 means 10 & 6 times 10 & 6. Now 10 times 16 = 160. 6 times 10 = 60. 6 times 6 = 36. 160 + 60 + 36 is 256, the correct answer. Anyone can figure that without pencil and paper. None of this "write down the 6 and carry the three; 6 times 1 is 6, add the 3 and write down the 9, etc. Can you imagine a more convoluted way to do it? I can't!

Also, numbers can make patterns that are fully predictable. I was born on November 6, 1928, the first Tuesday in that November. That was a presidential election day in the U.S.  A calendar year is 365 days, an odd number. Thus, in each year, any given date will fall on a later day of the week than in the previous year. If New Year's Day falls on Sunday in one year, it will fall on Monday the next year, Tuesday the next, etc.

How often, then, should my birthday fall on a presidential election day? Every seventh year? No, because of leap years. Every fourth year we make the calendar year a day longer, which must figure into our numbers pattern. My birthday, then, will fall on the first Tuesday in November every 7 times 4 years, or every 28 years: 1928, 1956, 1984, and 2012.

And, coincidentally, every year that my birthday fell on presidential election day, a Republican was elected: 1928, Herbert Hoover; 1956, Dwight Eisenhower; 1984, Ronald Reagan, and 2012, Mitt Romney?

I love numbers!

Monday, October 08, 2012

Bluest of the blue:

My wife is an artist, but a bit different from others. She has the eye of an artist but the mind of a realist.

After decades of work in advertising, I have learned that artists exist in a unique world. They see things in color and shape but not in detail. I have worked with talented artists who are experts at perspective but could not pass a fourth grade spelling test. 

It is commonplace to walk through a gallery and see appealing works of art which, upon close examination, depict physical impossibilities. 

And artists overwhelmingly have Liberal political ideologies. They are often single issue advocates who never see beyond that issue.

After two days at an event with one of her art groups, my wife related a story that gave me shivers. Reacting to a comment from the October 3rd presidential candidates debate, a group of artists discussed the notion of defunding the Public Broadcasting System, PBS! "How could one imagine cutting taxpayer dollars from Sesame Street, thus eliminating early childhood education?

How indeed? In the fair and honest interest of the child, that's how!

Yes, Big Bird may assist that small child's learning. but at what cost? We are borrowing billions from China, a chunk of which is used to help fund a television program that will entertain our toddlers for an hour or so a day. That, of course, relieves the parent from spending their time teaching the child the simple lessons of everyday life.

Those billions must one day be repaid to the Chinese and who will do that? The child!

Here's the big picture: We are taking a huge loan in the name of our children to hire a babysitter, (Kermit The Frog, and friends). When that child becomes an adult, he gets to repay that loan.
How heartless of a presidential candidate to suggest ending that practice! 

Friday, October 05, 2012

Photo ID required!

All across this nation, people argue over the need to present a photo ID when voting. One side says a positive ID would help prevent voter fraud. The other side says to require a photo ID will disenfranchise many voters... especially the elderly and the poor.

Interestingly, the voting booth is the only place where feelings about photo IDs run so high. Witness this ad for Jo-Ann, a retail chain that sells stuff for people who sew, etc.

A discount for seniors age 60 or older. A Photo ID required for proof of age! 

What are we to make of this? Do women lie about their age hoping to prove they are older than they appear? Is the store trying to "disenfranchise" customers from taking the discount by setting the hurdle too high? Do modern women so frequently appear younger than their actual age that you cannot hope to accurately judge ages by appearance? Or, does this simply enable a woman to discreetly show her proof of age to a cashier without announcing it to others in line?

Most likely the truth is that all this talk about the need for a photo ID being burdensome is just nonsense.