Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ties That Bind

It is interesting to me that people thrust together by circumstances of life often develop ties that last a lifetime.

The past few days our local newspaper has published stories about graduation ceremonies at area high schools. One article carried comments from an interview with a graduate. Asked about ending her high school years, the girl said "I miss it already", and dabbed at tears welling in her eyes.

On Friday, the veteran's "Run For The Wall" passed through our town. Somewhere between 150 and 200 motorcycles driven by veterans on their way from California to Washington, D.C. and Memorial Day ceremonies at the Viet Nam Veteran's Memorial Wall. They are remembering American military POWs, MIAs and KIAs. The caravan stopped at our local Veterans' Memorial Park for a brief ceremony honoring an area soldier who died in Iraq.

As we observed the group, I swear you could sense the comradeship among these veterans, most of whom probably never knew each other during their military service. It was immediately apparent to all that these men were bonded for life by memories of their similar experiences.

For a moment I was taken aback by the number of men (and women) with snow white hair. Then I realized that I, too, am an old man with snow white hair.

And, I remembered my own military service which ended sixty years ago. Today I look at snapshots of some of my Army buddies, and am taken aback by how young we were. And I miss them. Those months we spent together were a special time in our lives. We shared a common experience, and my memories of that experience are still strong.

True, we have lost track of each other over the years. Those who are still living are also now white haired old men. But we will always be bound by the comradeship we once experienced. And in those memories, we will always be the young soldiers we once were.

The magic of ties that bind.

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