Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sarah The Riveter!

Maybe you had to have been a 13-year-old-boy in 1942 to appreciate this picture:

Every newspaper headline in 1942 told of more American soldiers dying in far off places. Every newspaper carried stories and pictures of adult American men rushing to the recruiting stations to join the military. Every newspaper carried stories and pictures of adult American women rushing to the fields and factories to take up the jobs of the departing men.
You, the 13-year-old-boy, were just graduating from the eighth grade and there wasn't a damn thing you could do. You couldn't join the men. You ached to be issued a uniform. You were too young.
You couldn't join the women. You ached to become a riveter alongside them. You could not - child labor laws, etc.

The years pass. The war is won. The men come home and the women become lawyers and doctors and whatever else they wish. You grow up and have your own career and life is good.
During those passing decades, other wars come and your heart breaks as you see young American men flee to Canada rather than to the recruiting stations. You wonder if Americans will ever again be truly united.
But, when you see pictures of the World War II posters of "Rosie The Riveter", the old surge of undiluted, unashamed patriotism again surges through you. Somehow you instinctively know that among today's young women there are many out there who again would roll up their sleeves, pick up the tools, and do the jobs, if the need arose. You cannot imagine even Paris Hilton fleeing to Canada.
Then out of Alaska comes a gal who gives moral responsibility high priority. You know damn well she could turn a wrench, swing a hammer, or do whatever other job her country needed her to do!
And, Wow, here's a picture of other folks who share your feelings!
Sarah The riveter! Boy, do I feel proud of her!

1 comment:

April Clark said...

Though I did not live through the era, Sarah the Riveter is one of my favorite posters, too. I'm am almost as heartened by the Registered Democrat for McCain Palin in your picture, however.

Just goes to show...Americans are not nearly as partisan as our politicians.

Excellent post, as always!