Monday, September 21, 2009

Arguing With Idiots

Glen Beck has a new book with that title. It is something I have always advised against, so I will read Glen's book to see what he suggests.

You've seen some of the idiots interviewed on the street by the likes of Jay Leno and Sean Hannity. (Glen, himself, had a Fox producer asking questions of students on the campus at Berkley. Idiots, all!) You've encountered the idiots yourself. We - you - have always just dismissed them. But now, we are seeing them taken seriously, deadly seriously, in the highest levels of government. They are no longer being dismissed.

Attorney General Eric Holder is listening intently to the idiots. He says he will prosecute the intelligence people who, oh so criminally, poured water up the noses of people who gleefully murdered thousands of innocent Americans. President Obama said he will not stand in the way of law enforcement people, if they are enforcing the law against those law breakers: the waterboarders, not the waterboarded!

What is next? Will the idiots direct their outrage to those World War II veterans who, it turns out, actually shot at people for the singular reason that they wore the uniform of Japan or Germany and were shooting at them first? If waterboarding is criminal, what should we say about the GIs who used flame throwers to rout Japs out of a machine gun nest on some Pacific island?

Do you think I am crazy? Pay attention to what the idiots are saying and you, like I, will shiver.

What say you, Glen?

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