Thursday, January 21, 2010

The way it was - with Democrats.

About fifty years ago, I had a conversation with a close friend and business associate who was a devout Democrat. We were watching a construction project... a big building being built. Can't remember if the weather was very hot or very cold, but the weather caused my friend and I to express some sympathy for the workmen on the building.

I expressed this thought to my friend... "When this project is finished, someone will own a very valuable piece of real estate, but these guys who built it will own no part of it. I guess that is what troubles you Democrats."

He instantly corrected me: "Both these workmen and the people financing the job made a choice. The workmen wanted no risk. They wanted to do their job, get paid, and walk away whole. The people doing the financing wanted the risk. They invested the fruit of, perhaps, their lifetime of work in this project. If it succeeds, their payday will come. If it fails, they could lose everything. Our concern for the workmen is that they a get a good trade - labor for cash - and are treated fairly and honestly".

Yep. That is the way Democrats used to think. And my friend may have added that the workmen were perfectly happy with their deal. They were happy with their employer on this job. They appreciated their opportunity to participate in this building and were proud of their contribution. After this job, they would move to another construction project, enjoying their new home, their new truck or boat or whatever they bought with their pay. If this building was a financial failure, they would feel none of the pain.

Back in those days, Democrats and Republicans in government worked together to solve problems, get things done. And I, a Republican, was fully comfortable being in business with a guy who was a devout Democrat. There was a saying my late friend liked to quote: "There is no such thing as part-time honesty." Absolutely. His honesty was full time and never questioned. He would be saddened by many of today's Democrats

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