Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Determined to Damn The Tea Parties

The current tactic of the liberal Left is simple: If you disagree with someone or something, don't debate, destroy!

The other day, some dingbat woman running for Governor of Texas, was a guest of commentator Glenn Beck. He asked her point blank if she was a "9/11 truther". Did she believe the U.S. Government was behind the attack on September 11, 2001. She gave a worthless politician's answer... she didn't have enough evidence to answer. Translation, "I have no belief, I just don't want to offend anyone who may vote for me."

Today, a TV reporter questioned another dingbat, identified as an expert of some sort. This clown was asked if the comment by dingbat #1 will hurt her candidacy. His answer, in effect, was, "If her polling goes up, it will prove that the Tea Party movement agrees with her."

Say, what?

I translate that as: Don't know what you're talking about, but here's a chance to take a vicious swipe at the Tea Party movement. Let 'er rip!

I have participated in every Tea Party protest I could. I have met and talked at length with Tea Party followers in my city. I have yet to hear one of them express an opinion that the Bush Administration engineered the 9/11 attacks in New York. Quite the opposite. Most are absolutely convinced that 9/11 was solely the work of Islamic extremists.

So, why did the expert on TV imply that Tea Party people will hinge their support for the Texas lady dingbat on her 9/11 conspiracy stand, or lack thereof?

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