Sunday, March 07, 2010

I Am Sick and tired

of being sick and tired of hearing know-it-all talking TV heads telling us what The American People like. Or, Really Like!

So, with some degree of regularity, I have to scream "You're wrong, stupid!"

On one of the Sunday talk shows today, former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich reminded us, yet again, that Social Security is a big, costly government program but that The American People love it!

After all these years, one might hope that old Bob would pick up some smarts along the way. No such luck. So, let me explain once more, Bob:

When I took my first job away from the family farm, at about age 13, the government explained that I now owned a retirement insurance program. It was an ill-conceived idea. It was bound to fail. I didn't like it then. I don't like it now. I had no say then. I've had no say along the way.

But I paid their required premiums with every paycheck I ever earned. I know those premiums were not many dollars at first. But those were powerful dollars. With one - just one - I could buy a gallon of gas; a sack of six White Castle hamburgers; a cup of coffee; get a haircut and have some change left. And, I worked damn hard for one of those dollars. A ten-hour day got me two of them.

For fifty years I paid those premiums. The government quickly spent those dollar. Then they printed more and more of them, making each worth less and less. On my 13th birthday, $33.85 would buy an ounce of gold. As of last Friday, it took $1,133.60 to buy that ounce of gold.

Now please, Mr. Reich, don't tell me about big government programs that the people love. Don't tell me I am getting some kind of handout. The government made the deal. They gave me two choices: go along or go to jail! Yes, Social Security was and is a lousy idea. Not my problem. I want my benefits.

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