Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A place to worship?

In the latter years of his life, my father was pastor of a small Baptist church in a tiny Kansas community. The church building was a very small, ancient wood frame structure. As the little congregation grew, the need for more space became paramount. The congregation gradually scraped together enough money for the framing lumber, sheet rock, roofing, etc.

My elderly father, who had worked as a carpenter in his youth, worked with other men in the congregation for many days to build the addition to the church building. Yes, they swung the hammers, operated the saws, built it by hand.

That is the American definition of building a place to worship.

Do those people supporting the New York "Ground Zero Mosque" really believe we are stupid! Do they think we will accept that a fifteen story, $100 million structure represents a congregation building a house of worship? What size congregation would be required to raise $100 million? How long would that take?

Dr. Thomas Sowell has called the proposed 15-story structure a middle-finger salute to Americans. Others have called it a "law school", a place where Islamic Sharia law will be taught and promoted.

I don't know what it will be. I can bet what it will not be: a place to worship, built by a local congregation.

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