Saturday, February 19, 2011

On registering as an Independent.

...or not!

There are occupations which make it difficult for a person to declare their political party affiliation. Take a news reporter. Everyone already thinks people in the news business are biased. Why give them "proof"?

Beyond that, I have never understood the reason for registering as an Independent. There is one. A late, long time friend was an unyielding Democrat. In the latter years of his life he became disillusioned with some of the Democrats policies, but said "My father would turn over in his grave if I became a Republican. Voila! Register as an Independent! No one will ever know which lever you pulled on the voting machine and you have not become a Republican!

But, it all boils down to the same reason... to mask your political preferences. Except for the privilege of voting in a primary, your party affiliation does not affect your vote. On election Day you vote your preference - any party. And nobody knows how you voted.

Having said all that, there is a reason not to register as an Independent. When you next enter a booth to vote for POTUS, there will be two viable choices, a Republican and a Democrat. When you cast your vote (unless you throw it away by voting for Donald Duck, or some out-of-contention candidate), you will vote for a Republican or a Democrat.

If you are registered as an Independent, you will have had no voice in choosing the major candidates. By joining either the Republican or Democrat Party, you can participate in all the preliminary events leading to the nomination - including primary elections. Why not participate in that effort?

Finally, as suggested in the bible, "luke warm" is worthy only of being spewed out of ones mouth. (Rev. 3: 15-16) I like backbone. I like people who stand up for what they believe. Decide which political party's platform most closely matches your beliefs. Then join them. Help shape and support them.

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