Friday, June 24, 2011

DÉJÀ VU all over again!

So said Yogi Berra - to the consternation of both French and English language police and many others. But we common people knew exactly what Yogi meant... "more of the same old crap"! Today, when it comes to politics, we add "...and again and again!"

I was only five years old when President Franklin Roosevelt gave us the AAA. It had nothing to do with automobiles - it was the Agriculture Adjustment Act, intended to protect farmers from price drops. (It lives on in today's Dept. of Agriculture subsidies. Wasn't that smart???). 

Before I was eight years old, FDR also gave us the CWA, CCC, FERA, FDIC, NIRA, NYA, PWA, REA, SEC, Social Security (for pensions, unemployment insurance, and aid to blind, deaf, disabled, and dependent children!) TVA, NLRB and WPA.
Obviously, as a small farm boy, I was not aware of the significance of all these misguided acts, but I saw adults shake their heads and agonize over their implementation... I knew there was something bad about what FDR was doing.

But, at the same time, we often sat in front of our old Atwater-Kent radio set, listening to the rantings (in German) of someone called Adolph Hitler. That was more ominous, and Americans accepted living with The New Deal.

We are still suffering from Roosevelt's stupidity (ask Boeing about the NLRB), yet, our current president is trying to do it all over again... just let us manage things and we will recover from this recession we inherited!

FDR stayed in office because World War Two had caused Americans to crave stability. Thus, the 1930 economic slowdown (which the Dems labeled a recession
they had inherited from Herbert Hoover) turned into a depression that lasted well into the 1940s.

Please, please, America... we cannot let this conclusion occur "all over again"!

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