Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Public's Right (to decide they do not want) To Know

This morning I observed an interesting bit of human behavior. Sitting in the waiting room of a medical facility, along with a dozen or so other persons, I watched a large screen TV tuned to "America's Newsroom" on Fox News Channel.

The news they covered was important - no fluff - with stories from Washington Politics to Tropical Storm Betsy. The group in the waiting room varied in age. No children but a mixture of young adults and seniors.

I quickly observed that while the TV anchors covered these news stories, the younger adults scanned magazines or newspapers but paid little attention to the TV. The seniors in the group seemed glued to the screen.

Several times, the TV producers took a commercial break. The instant the commercials opened with their explosive sounds, jingles or whatever, every young adult immediately turned their eyes to the TV.

When the news programming resumed, they returned to their magazines.

Are young Americans just not interested in what is going on in their world?

When we hear reports the "Seniors Vote", is it because they DO care?

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