Thursday, November 08, 2012

Racism... its roots.

Ever since Barack Obama, the "post racial president" burst upon the scene, talk of racism has increased exponentially. What's going on?

I believe it is two things: the multicultural mindset and the politicians never-ending quest for votes. 

1. We must acknowledge and respect the Black culture. We must support its unique qualities.

2. We must lump Blacks into one, cohesive voting group. We must bestow them with common problems that only politicians can solve.

How sad!

Skin color means no more than eye color or shoe size. Skin color has no connection to the brain. Yes, some people in the South eat collard greens and grits (yum). Skin color has nothing to do with it. Lots of people from Maryland rave about crab cakes (yuk). Skin color has nothing to do with it. 

People from places like Brooklyn talk with a funny accent (my late mother, foremost among them). Skin color had nothing to do with it. Or, you might say that people from the deep south are the ones with the funny accent. Skin color has nothing to do with it.

People like Thomas Sowell and Ben Stein are great economists. Skin color has nothing to do with it.

The only way to end racism is to recognize these facts. Politicians must quit talking about "The Black Vote". Politically correct do-gooders must quit promoting and protecting "Black culture" and "The Black Community". Young Black men (boys) must quit striving to act, talk and dress "Black". Above all, the spotlight must be removed from race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.  

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had it right. Character is everything. Skin color is nothing. Once we agree with him, we dig racism out by the roots.

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