Saturday, December 22, 2012

You Can't Fix Stupid. (Oh, Yeah?)

Some idiots who call themselves Handgun Control, Inc. made a poster. Pretty picture. Stupid copy.

Comparing such numbers without relating to population, or individual nation's restrictions on gun ownership makes little sense. You can surely post startling numbers by comparing traffic deaths, deaths from falling in the bathtub, or any of many other human mishaps.

But here in America, we have a different take on things. We look at the history of some of our neighbor nations and we remember The Nazi Holocaust; The Soviet Gulags; The Chinese Cultural Revolution; The Pol Pot Killing Fields. And we remember the Japanese massacre of innocents in Nanking. and on and on.

So, we have revised their silly poster:

Yes, we American gun owners deplore the loss of innocent life at the hands of thugs, murderers, and madmen, by use of guns or any other means. We search for ways to protect innocents. But, when we propose to arm the innocents to level the playing field against the thugs, we are met with frantic opposition by people proposing the very policies that have enabled mass loss of life around the world.

7000 Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto and millions more in the Nazi concentration camps. The Jewish people said "Never Again" and they meant it. Today Israel is a well-armed nation able to protect its citizens.

We look at the world's mass murders of the past and we say "Never In America!" We want our citizens armed. And they are. There are over 100 million gun owners in America. There are 41 million military veterans, all with some military training, many with extensive combat experience. Among them are tens of thousands of veterans who were highly trained, highly skilled, high-ranking officers who could provide command and leadership at the blink of an eye. That makes American citizens the world's largest army, in reserve.

And this American is a proud member of the National Rifle Association!   

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