Saturday, February 02, 2013


I keep hearing opinions about President Obama's approval. He is said to be likeable. Highly intelligent.

He is the former. He is not the latter. The likeable part is a hangover from his demeanor before he announced as a candidate for President.

Just a few years ago, when George W. Bush was president, the Congressional Record shows that Senator Obama said this: "I rise, today, to talk about America's debt problem. The fact that we are here to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure and our government's reckless fiscal policies."

The most ardent Conservative would like that attitude. Today, with the debt doubled, he says we do not have a debt problem. Not "no longer have a debt problem", as though the bills had been paid.

I think Barack Obama started out as a likeable guy. But his handlers, advisers, consultants - whatever you wish to call them - have completely taken over and he is now a sock puppet.

One can imagine him being told: "We got you elected and re-elected. Now shut up and read the teleprompter."

As for the intelligent part, his "misspeaks", unlike those by W. are not just mangled pronunciations, but displays of ignorance. Like, "57 states". Has he never looked at a U.S. flag?

Then the other day he said Hillary Clinton was "one of the best secretary of states we have ever had." Really? What would those states be?  

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