Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Who said to... or didn't?

So the IRS is harassing certain Conservative groups, as well as some Evangelical and Jewish groups. People are asking if the White House "ordered" or even "knew of" this activity.

Erick Erickson of Red State explains all of this beautifully today. Erick points out that in 1170, King Henry II of England was troubled by the actions of the Archbishop of Canterbury, one Thomas Beckett. Henry II was quoted as having said words to the effect that "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"

Shortly thereafter, some  of the King's devoted knights, went to the Cathedral and murdered Beckett. There was no proof that Henry II sent them, but that was hardly the point.

With President Obama making such utterances as "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun", and telling Congressional Democrats to "punch back twice as hard" at Republicans, Erickson asks, 'was not Obama asking Will no one rid me of this turbulent group?'

Is it any wonder then that certain loyal Liberal Democrats in an IRS office would try to comply?

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