Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22, 1963

Do you remember what you were doing the day President Kennedy was assassinated? If you are over fifty years of age, you most likely do!

But, you do not have to have been alive 50 years ago to know about the conspiracy theories, and have formed an opinion.

Was Oswald the lone gunman? Probably, though it would have been a tough shot for even a highly trained marksman, which Oswald was not. He had just bought that rifle, and probably had fired it very few times.

We know that three Navy Seals, on the fantail of a ship, underway, fired three shots in perfect coordination to take out three pirates on a bouncing boat which their ship was towing. That kind of marksmanship is extraordinarily rare.

Was there a second gunman? Possibly. Was he/she in a conspiracy with Oswald? Very unlikely.

Was it a hired gunman? Theories point to LBJ, the CIA, the mob, Castro, the Russians. Any one of those is possible. None is probable. But they would have had no connection to a loose cannon like Lee Oswald.

If any of those forces were involved, no one will ever know. Unless, that is, someone, at some future date, discovers some irrefutable evidence. Or, perhaps someone makes a deathbed confession. Neither of which is likely.

So, why so many conspiracy theories? Because it is almost impossible to believe that any one such person as Lee Harvey Oswald could pull off such a feat.

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