Thursday, May 22, 2014

Politics of group destruction.

Larry  Elder is one of my favorite commentators. Larry holds forth for three hours daily on KABC , an L.A., AM radio station at 790 k.c. Also, I think you can hear his program on line.

More importantly to me, Larry also writes a opinion column. In this week's column, Larry takes white race-card hustlers to task. As Larry points out, these people - largely Democrat office holders - accuse "Republicans" of being racists. Almost without exception, these accusers do not give names. They make the most vile accusations, but never actually tell us whom they are accusing.

The objective, of course, is to keep assuring minority voters that they, the Democrats, are protecting them from the racist Republicans. Which Republicans isn't important. They just want the minority voters to mark a straight Democrat ballot in the next, and every election.

When Bill Clinton sensed that Republicans were accusing him of misdeeds, and giving his full identity, he screamed against "politics of personal destruction". Perhaps this explains why the current white race-card hustlers do not name whom they accuse: include all Republicans in one big swipe and it is not "personal destruction".

There is a lesson to be learned here. When any American, but especially journalists, hear an accusation of racism, they must demand a name. Never permit someone to make accusations in anonymity.

And, if they do give a name, insist they spell out a time and place to substantiate the claim.

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