Monday, September 05, 2005

Thankful For Mandated Modesty

About 25 years ago, my wife and I attended a business conference at the Frenchman's Reef Resort at St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.

One afternoon we went to the beach to enjoy the sun and water. Two young women came to the beach, found a sunny spot away from the crowds and spread a blanket on the sand. They laid on their stomachs and unfastened their bikini tops so they could tan their backs with no white lines.

Soon a security guard came along and made the ladies refasten their tops. Topless bathing was forbidden on that beach. I thought that was ridiculous because they were not flaunting nudity or even exposing their bare breasts to view. Anyway, it seemed silly that of all the species of living things which may visit that place, only humans were required to keep some parts of their bodies covered. For years I ranted about what I considered dumb customs.

But, recently, I have often found myself in a place where I see streams of pedestrians wander by. So many are obese! Huge stomachs overhanging men's belts. Women with monstrous wide hips and abnormally fat legs.

Boy! How I admire the wisdom and foresight of that astute person who originated the custom of covering the human form in public. And, a special thanks to everyone who enforces the custom.

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