Sunday, April 25, 2010

Surfin' porn on the company computer

There's been a lot of talk on TV news this week about employees at the Securities and Exchange Commission spending hours - in some cases hundreds of hours - surfing pornography on the government computers while "on the clock". Much of what has been said is about the possible reasons for or results of a seeming addiction to porn. They miss the point!

When you - private enterprise or government bureau - employ someone, you make an exchange agreement... so many dollars for an agreed upon time at work. Work forty hours - I pay you $500., or whatever amount agreed upon. Now, suppose the boss decides to renege a bit and give you something less? Well, now! You go to NLRB and complain. They, in turn, tell your employer to make up the shortage or face the wrath of the law.

But what happens if the employee decides to renege and not work the agreed upon hours. Maybe the employee, instead, spends several hours a day on the phone, visiting with friends or family. Or he spends those hours glaring at a computer screen (furnished and powered by the employer) showing naked people engaged is all sorts of explicit sex acts. In the latter incident, all sorts of learned people carry on as to why you chose that particular endeavor, and how that may affect your life or your behavior!

Like I said, that's beside the point. The point is that you purposely failed to keep your agreement with your boss and it is payback time... your next check should be docked pay for every hour you were not working.

If an SEC employee is drawing $100,000 a year, as claimed, and they spent 1600 hours looking at porn, they owe back $76,923.07.

Hey, fair is fair!

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