Friday, July 23, 2010

What I want from members of the new Congress:

1. Never introduce a bill - never vote for a bill - that is longer than one page. The founders wrote the master law of the land covering freedom of religion; freedom of speech; freedom of the press; freedom to peaceably assemble; freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances... all in one sentence! Forty five words! (See the first amendment to the Constitution.)

2. Never write a bill - never vote for a bill - that does not include the word repeal.

3. Support repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment. Eliminate all taxes that punish hard work and initiative; support a simple, fair tax code.

4. Support repeal of the Seventeenth amendment. U.S. Senators were supposed to represent the interests of their state... not the interests of their political party leaders.

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