Saturday, July 17, 2010

What is the Tea Party movement?

Some TV commentators keep saying they just don't know what the Tea Party is all about. Locked in their view of the political parties, they see the DNC, the RNC, the state party headquarters, right down to those precinct captains, all trying to seduce voters to their point-of-view. And the TV heads keep searching for an equivalent structure in the Tea Party. Who is their leader? What is their objective?

Let me help: We do not have structure. We do not have a "Leader". We are not a party. But we do have an objective. Simply put, we are the voters the politicians hope to seduce.

It is pretty obvious that we have been naive. Throughout the Great Depression, World War II, the '50s, '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s we have behaved in what we believed was the American way. Each election we voted for the candidates we preferred. Some won. Some did not. But when all the votes were counted, we accepted those who did win. As they went off to their new offices, we cheered, trusting and believing they would act in the best interest of the nation.

Now, to our great dismay, we realize this has not been true. Beginning with Woodrow Wilson, many of those election winners have advanced a political agenda completely contrary to the best interests of the nation we so love.

Bit by bit they have been stealing our freedoms - our way of life - and we want it all back. We are not asking them to give it back. We are going to take it back. No, we will not do it with violence... we will not subvert the rule of law we so love. We will do it the American way. We will vote for the candidates who promise to "fix it". But, unlike the past, they will not be supported with our blind trust. We will monitor their performance as never before. We will share our views and opinions. We will work tirelessly.

Who is the Tea Party? Show up at any polling place next election day, and you will see them. They will be there to unleash the irresistible force of the power of their vote.

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