Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ronald Reagan was right...

government IS the problem - any government - every government! Not only that, governments START all the problems!

Russia is a long, long way from our Southwest desert, but from all I can tell, the Russian people are decent folks. Hard working, struggling against all odds to maintain their families, just as we do. Their government? Well, to be frank, it sucks!

But, all through the Cold War, our government kept trying to convince us that "The Russians" were our mortal enemies. Not their Communist government--- The Russians!

Now it's the Chinese. From the masses who build highways with their bare hands to brilliant professionals who excel at medicine and technology, the Chinese are exceptional people. The Chinese government, unfortunately, also sucks.

But we are often reminded that "The Chinese" are our enemies.

Yes, like Ernie Ford sang in his 1950s hit, Sixteen Tons, "We owe our soul to the company store", that "store" being the Chicoms. Why is this so? Because of the foolish behavior of our real enemy... our own government.

There was a time when people realized the failure of governments as they then existed and decided to form a nation where the people were the government. It worked beautifully, until people who yearned to gain, hold and exercise power worked to reach their goal.

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