Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dumb & Dumber

It is universally agreed that Jimmy Carter was the worst president in U.S. history. Why, then, do we continue to spend billions to sustain one of the dumbest of his dumb ideas?

I well remember his campaign rhetoric: "...we do not have a national energy policy. That is a disgrace...".

President Jimmy was going to end our dependence on foreign oil. So, when he became president, he formed the Department of Energy. That deformed appendage to the government is the biggest failure of my lifetime (our dependence on foreign oil has multiplied) yet we are set to spend another $30 billion in the next budget to sustain it. $30 billion! That is 30,000 times one million dollars!

When do sensible people say... "Ooops! That was a mistake! Stop doing that!" Apparently never.

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