Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Saddest Words,
Of Six or Ten...

There are a lot of sad words on TV news these days... earthquakes and tsunamis; riots, protests, civilians killed by their own governments. Today's news was no exception. The death and destruction from tornadoes was sad, indeed.

But another terribly sad story today was the news that Scotland Yard is planning unprecedented security during Prince Williams wedding. Unprecedented security? For a wedding? What has this world come to? In London, long a center of civility - can a couple not be married without real and imminent danger to their lives? Even a Royal couple?

Something is terribly wrong. And it seems to be getting worse. Earlier this year crowds attacked two members of British Royalty passing by in their car. That crowd shouted, "Off with their heads." Does Scotland Yard fear that the shouting will transform into action this time?

We once saw the Russian Royal family dragged into the woods and summarily executed. We said that should never happen again... but will it be attempted?

This past weekend, in Portland, OR and in at least two other cities, we witnessed the most horrible displays by crowds who disagreed with groups of people exercising their Constitutionally protected right to peaceably assemble. These assembled groups were expressing their dissatisfaction with government policies. Why were they being harassed?

In America, the Tea Party protesters (myself included) have displayed respect for law and order; for the rights of others, including property rights; and for principles of decency. But, what should we do if physically attacked by those who disagree with us?

History has proven that, today, the Christian attitude of turning the other cheek may well result in your getting a broken jaw - or worse. History has also taught that remaining silent in the face of wrongs by a runaway government will always make the problem worse - not better.

Are we reaching the point where we cannot peaceably protest - but cannot decline to protest?

Can outbreaks of violence be far off?

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