Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sorry Mitt... you just don't get it!

Barack Obama and his constituency, the environmentalist, Labor Unions, and the 47% who pay no taxes and long for more handouts, are destroying our country. For that reason, if, next November, the choice is between Romney and Obama, I will support Mitt for president. But I hope, in my heart of hearts, that Mitt will not be the Republican nominee.

I don't know if any of the other candidates can beat Obama, but I am afraid that Mitt Romney would just give us more of the same.... big government, getting bigger: another nail in the coffin of this great nation.

This morning, on Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace asked Mitt about other candidate's proposals to drastically cut spending by instantly eliminating several cabinet level government departments. Mitt answered that we would have to study the activities of each department to see what could and could not be wisely cut.

Having observed the policies of ten administrations, that position means just one thing: the formation of yet another cabinet-level department, The Department To Study Which Departments Can Be Cut and By How Much; another $30 to $50 billion load on the budget; and no conclusions.

A persistent belief that the government can solve the problem if we just go about it correctly, is exactly what gave us the useless departments that are now destroying America. Sadly, my friends, regulations that require opposite and mutually exclusive actions are the rule... not the exception!

We now know that while the Department of Justice is suing states because their police are inquiring about  citizenship; the Department of State is demanding that each state's police do inquire about citizenship (so aliens may be advised about help available from their home country's consul.)

In my state, the Executive VP of the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau reminds us ( that the average age of American farmers is advancing - meaning young people are rejecting a career in agriculture. Thus, his bureau is urgently trying to develop programs to encourage farm youth to stay on the farm. He believes that it is work on the family farm that trains kids to "grow into teenagers with a strong work ethic; a sense of responsibility and a heart full of compassion". After college, these kids often return home to follow a career on the farm. Toward that end, the USDA is now spending well over $50 million annually to train beginning farmers and ranchers.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Labor is striving to eliminate the coming generation of farmers and ranchers by proposing regulations to prevent farm "children from working with farm animals, storing or transporting raw agricultural products, climbing on or into anything higher than six feet tall including ladders and haylofts or even being on the premises of grain elevators, livestock auctions or feedlots."

As a kid who grew up on a farm, I find this so preposterous it is unbelievable.

No, Mitt... you are wrong. Ronald Reagan understood: government cannot fix the problem - government IS the problem. No more study... no more investigations - it is past time to nibble. We now must cut, cut, cut! 

1 comment:

April said...

I completely agree that Romney would fail to make the kind of cuts that are desperately needed. He would use a scalpel, we need a chainsaw.

There is definitely a "he'll say anything to get elected" aura about Mitt, too. I like to dream that he's just pretending to be a moderate to get elected. Once in office, he'll do what he did to companies when he was at Bain...throw most of the old people and processes out and rebuild the whole thing from the ground up: smaller, cheaper and CONSTITUTIONAL!

Hey...I can dream! ;-)