Friday, October 05, 2012

Photo ID required!

All across this nation, people argue over the need to present a photo ID when voting. One side says a positive ID would help prevent voter fraud. The other side says to require a photo ID will disenfranchise many voters... especially the elderly and the poor.

Interestingly, the voting booth is the only place where feelings about photo IDs run so high. Witness this ad for Jo-Ann, a retail chain that sells stuff for people who sew, etc.

A discount for seniors age 60 or older. A Photo ID required for proof of age! 

What are we to make of this? Do women lie about their age hoping to prove they are older than they appear? Is the store trying to "disenfranchise" customers from taking the discount by setting the hurdle too high? Do modern women so frequently appear younger than their actual age that you cannot hope to accurately judge ages by appearance? Or, does this simply enable a woman to discreetly show her proof of age to a cashier without announcing it to others in line?

Most likely the truth is that all this talk about the need for a photo ID being burdensome is just nonsense.

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