Friday, April 12, 2013

Last week, on Fox News Sunday,

Dan Pfeiffer was interviewed, after having been introduced as a White House Senior Adviser. What??? Pfeiffer was born on Christmas Eve, 1975. He is 37 years old. He did graduate from college with honors. He worked for Al Gore and a few Democrat Senators.

But, Dan Pfeiffer started kindergarten the year President Reagan took office as POTUS. Kindergarten! By then, the Viet Nam War was history. Pfeiffer could have no personal experience of the Carter Administration, and only a teenager's exposure to the Clinton Administration. He was 16 at the time of the first gulf War.

So, who are Obama's Junior Advisers? Malia and Sasha? Here we have a young, inexperienced President being advised by barely-out-of-college kids. Remember when we used to speak of people who "are still wet behind the ears"? When someone's 'experience' was largely obtained from classes conducted by uber liberal college professors, is he qualified to advise our president?

Forgive me, but I remember Bernard M Baruch, park bench adviser to six presidents. But that was long ago when knowledge gained by experience was something worth passing along, and Presidents were smart enough to seek out such advice.


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