Saturday, March 22, 2014

Perry-Paul 2016

If someone printed a bumper sticker like that, I would proudly display it on my car. Or, if they made a yard sign like that, I would happily stick it in my front yard.

It takes a proven executive to run our country, and Governor Perry has proven himself to be the most successful governor in the U.S.

But, it also takes an understanding of Congress to operate a successful Administration. That's where Rand Paul comes in. And, Paul's Libertarian slant nicely balances Perry's Conservative bent.

Wow! What a successful combination they would be! Or, I'd settle for Perry-Rubio. Or, how about Perry-Lee? It couldn't be Perry-Cruz. Article II, Section I says they cannot be residents of the same state.

But, alas, the odds against any of those combinations of names being the Republican nominees in 2016 are slim. The American electorate has proven time and again that experience and administrative skill are not the qualities they seek in their president and vice-president. Personality. good looks and a smooth rhetoric are much to be preferred.

In the primary debates of 2012, Perry promised he would rid us of the Dept. of Education and the Dept. of Energy... but that was all
forgotten because he could not instantly remember the third Department he would axe.

Remember Ronald Reagan's promise not to use Mondale's youth and inexperience against him? If only John McCain would have thought of that in the 2008 debates. Or, when, in 2012, Obama quipped to Mitt Romney that the cold war had ended? If only Mitt had then pointed out Obama's total lack of understanding of U.S. Foreign Policy.

But, of course, either candidate would have been ripped by our liberal press.

Americans are slow learners. After the chaos of Nixon's Cambodia, Watergate cover-up, et al, the soft, reassuring voice of Jimmy Carter was so appealing. Even "Jimmy Carter", as opposed to "James Earl Carter", was a delight after "Richard Milhous Nixon". (Is there a Twitter shortcut for 'heavy sigh'?)

After the acrimony of such nonsense as "Bush lied, thousands died" a charismatic young black man seemed the answer. After the disaster of the Obama presidency, will America choose "the first woman president"? Or, will America choose the most-qualified executive to be our national C.E.O.?

Please, America. Give us Perry-Paul in 2016.

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