Friday, May 27, 2011

Angie's List

Most Americans believe in equal justice under the law. Or do they? Consider Angie's List.

Angie's list TV advertising shows one painter, employed by a painting contractor, performing badly. The ad advises not to call these guys! Hey... do we get to hear the painting contractor's side of the story?

Another ad shows a plumber staying on the job after his work is done so he could walk the customer's dog. "The only plumber I'll ever call", asserts the ad copy. What are they saying? That a plumber should donate his valuable time to accommodate a customer too irresponsible to care for their pet? Should we not even consider the dog-walking plumber's ability as a plumber?

If I understand Angie's List, we are supposed to accept the "verdict" of one satisfied or dissatisfied customer without ever knowing the credibility of that customer.

I have spent decades working with dozens of remodeling contractors, plumbers, painters, roofers, etc. across the country. In those years I have met one or two remodelers whom I believed were capable of being dishonest if it suited their purpose. I have met a few who were incompetent in one way or another. Most frequently it was a failure in communications that led to a misunderstanding. The vast, vast majority were both honest and capable.

In those same years I have seen many, many customers of remodelers who were flat out dishonest and were hell bent on cheating and scamming the remodeling contractor. I have seen customers complain that the work done was not satisfactory while steadfastly refusing to let the contractor fix the problem. I've seen these cases go to court, only to have a judge side with the dishonest customer and punish the contractor.

The Better Business Bureau franchisees, like Angie's list a private enterprise, does it a bit differently. If a customer complains, the BBB office calls the contractor and attempts to resolve the complaint. The BBB files then retain the results of that effort. Call for a reference and they will give you the full details of any unresolved complaints.

My opinion is that Angie's list is neither fair nor just.

Before accepting the finding of Angie's List, I hope you will favor justice and insist upon hearing the full story.

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