Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Most overrated thing in America

For some time, I have wanted to express my opinion that a college degree - especially a degree from a liberal arts institution - is the most overrated thing in our society.

But today, Dr. Thomas
Sowell expressed the truth of the subject better than an opinion formed from my limited experience could hope to match.

Check his column here. Or, here.

Any family with a high school graduate thinking of entering college next year, should read and heed what Dr.
Sowell has to say.

Not only the United States, but the world is awash with educated but unskilled young people. As Dr.
Sowell so clearly articulates, these people sometimes do more harm then good.

Sadly, however, the world still uses the college degree as positive proof of ability. Nothing could be more foolish. Early in my career, I was passed over for a couple of jobs which I could have done well. I had excellent, well placed references but I lacked the requisite degree and was dropped from consideration. As an employer in broadcasting and in advertising for many years, I hired young people who held degrees in Journalism, only to discover they had zero qualifications for the job.

Neither I, nor Dr. Sowell, disregard an education in the sciences. Or graduate degrees. Still, it would do well to repeat the old riddle: "What do you call the guy who graduated last in his class at medical school?" Answer: "Doctor."

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