Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Now past the midway mark in my tenure as an octogenarian, I've decided I really like people. I know there are some bad apples around, but they are a very small per cent of the population.

The vast majority of people are enjoying the promised life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Trying to get ahead, looking out for family and friends. Happily I have reached the stage where ethnicity, skin color, religious belief or formal education mean nothing. Any prejudices of my youth have faded away, and I can enjoy all people.

Years ago I read that most people are yearning to engage in a friendly conversation. I have watched my wife prove this to be true. She'll go to the store and strike up a conversation with the other lady mulling her produce choices. Then she'll chat with the next customer in line for checkout. She'll engage the cashier in a chat. All these people smile and happily respond. It's like they were hoping someone would talk to them.

I also once learned not to react to people. Don't let someone else determine your attitude. Never become a grouch because you've met a person acting like a grouch. Give them the same big smile and friendly greeting. It will make you feel good.

Liking people, just because they are people, can be rewarding. Try it!

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