Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Adorable or Abominable

The offspring of most living creatures are adorable. Young cubs of the big cats are cute and cuddly. Unlike their parents, they pose no threat to humans. The same is true of essentially all mammals. And for reptiles and amphibians.

Tadpoles may be an exception, but as soon as they become frogs, they're cute. Very young marsupials may start out ugly, but as soon as they acquire their identifying fur coat, they are adorable.

Sea turtle hatchlings, scrambling from the sand to the sea, are also cute. Even fish fingerlings are miniature versions of the adults of the species.

But, what is true for all these creatures, is not true for birds. Featherless baby birds are well endowed with ugliness. Even when they fledge, most birds are awkward looking to say the least. It isn't until they are full grown adults that birds acquire their beauty.

And many birds are the most beautiful of all living creatures. No mammals acquire the colors of our most beautiful birds. With the exception of a few tropical frog species and a few tropical snakes, all reptiles and amphibians are green. Sort of.

We live in a fascinating world!

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